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Lol if Yeon-Oh TRULY wanted to cut his relation with Kwon, he should've just let the 1 bil...

Emerald15 October 15, 2023 5:42 pm

Lol if Yeon-Oh TRULY wanted to cut his relation with Kwon, he should've just let the 1 billion be Kwon's responsibility and not have anything to do with him anymore instead of trying to repay it for who knows how long, after all it's just like Kwon said, him being kidnapped wasn't his fault and no one told Kwon to just leave that bag of money there...

But of course the author *had* to find some ways to keep them both interacting, right?

    mllexjojo October 15, 2023 10:35 pm

    Exactly !! Like for real if I was him I wouldn't even think of paying back Mr Kwon. His excuse is just bullshit

    Chiaki October 16, 2023 12:27 am

    That's not how Yeon-oh would react tho, he always dealt with debt and after finally being rid of it, doesn't want to feel indepted again, I can see why.
    He wants to make a clear cut between him and Kwon but feels like he can't and also has some lingering feelings that won't let him quit staying with Kwon. After reading up to chapter 70, did we even read the same thing with the same characters?
    Saying it's the lazy excuse of the author is absolute bs.

    Emerald15 October 16, 2023 1:17 am
    That's not how Yeon-oh would react tho, he always dealt with debt and after finally being rid of it, doesn't want to feel indepted again, I can see why.He wants to make a clear cut between him and Kwon but feel... Chiaki

    I'm not saying that it's OOC for Yeon-Oh to do that, I'm just sick of authors who made their characters had no common sense so that the plot won't crumble. That's why I said "if Yeon-Oh TRULY wanted to cut ties with Kwon", which means he actually didn't want to cut ties with him entirely. Because if he did, he wouldn't even try to pay back that 1 billion no matter how indebted or guilty it made him feel, or rile Kwon up about the bj thing and trying to pay back that debt with his body. He'd just run far away from him and act like they're strangers.

    The author just had to make him so *righteous* that he can't NOT pay that 1 billion no matter how long it'd take him to

    ghsthunt October 16, 2023 1:20 am

    what are u talking about. as someone who dealt with debt all his life, yeon oh knows debt always comes back to haunt u. thats why he truly wants NOTHING to tie him to jaehyuk. plus if youre admitting this is not ooc of yeonoh what do u want the author to do?☠ make him ooc? ur reasoning makes no sense because to yeonoh this is how he can cut ties fully.

    Sugakookie October 16, 2023 1:35 am

    They could've just picked up the damn bag it was like laying there at 10 steps distance max It feels so unnecessary and forced now lmao

    Coco goddess October 16, 2023 3:01 am

    It is total BS at this point I’m going to say Yeon is a little masochistic because ain’t no way I’m about suck dck for something I don’t owe. Like just let it go little baby or just be honest he doesn’t really want to cut ties. People can make all the excuses they want he didn’t have to go this far.

    Coco goddess October 16, 2023 3:05 am
    what are u talking about. as someone who dealt with debt all his life, yeon oh knows debt always comes back to haunt u. thats why he truly wants NOTHING to tie him to jaehyuk. plus if youre admitting this is no... ghsthunt

    But he literally owed him NOTHING to paying back what debt and nothing is going to come back and haunt on that end money wise. Now the loan shake may try again to get him but that is about it. Yeon had no reason to go up to that man’s office and offer dck sucking services he could have kept on living his life . It’s not like Kwon was physically coming after him he dropped a deposit he could have let it sit there or sent back closed that account and moved on with his life.

    ghsthunt October 16, 2023 5:32 am
    But he literally owed him NOTHING to paying back what debt and nothing is going to come back and haunt on that end money wise. Now the loan shake may try again to get him but that is about it. Yeon had no reaso... Coco goddess

    i understand that. because thats what /i/ think he should do. however in yeonohs eyes thats not how it is. his life has been full of people who have used him and things around him to manipulate him. what reason does he have to trust jaehyuk honestly? because he had/has feelings for him? absolutely not his dad DIED because of this shit hes trying to live his life without ANY ties to this no matter how big or small

    Coco goddess October 16, 2023 2:46 pm
    i understand that. because thats what /i/ think he should do. however in yeonohs eyes thats not how it is. his life has been full of people who have used him and things around him to manipulate him. what reason... ghsthunt

    I feel like the dad died because he knew to much about the Kwon family situation or at least the granddad thought he did or maybe he did. I feel like the dad meddling got him axed so that is solely on Kwon’s grandpa and his dad. So that isn’t Kwon’s more JH fault. And he can still live his life that deposit transaction wasn’t going to stop his life. He could have sent it back and moved on there is no loophole in my thinking even on an emotional level trauma or no trauma.

    ghsthunt October 16, 2023 7:14 pm
    I feel like the dad died because he knew to much about the Kwon family situation or at least the granddad thought he did or maybe he did. I feel like the dad meddling got him axed so that is solely on Kwon’s ... Coco goddess

    i never said it wasnt the dads own fault. yall are just saying what YOU think is best for yeonoh. because i agree with yall! but HIS CHARACTER is not like that