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Wow re reading it exactly 8 years later revived my 13 year old fujoshi inside me

RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ October 15, 2023 6:24 pm

Kurose-kun is such a boyfriend material I just can't believe it ended at such a open note at the end mangaka left ending to our imagination but i seriously love it when kurose-kun give that savage reply to that shitty women who actually reason of shirotani's phobia , I love him even more that time this manga is just soo good I m also happy that mangaka didn't kill that first person Kurosuke met that was one of my bestes relief in Life I had. I will come back years later again sex scene in this manga is so good not erotic an vulger as today's yaois has become .. beautifully drawn that's why i always come back to read old yaois .
