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can someone tell me?

BetterLeftUnknown October 16, 2023 5:39 pm

sooo just started reading it. currently in chapter 15. just wondering if it's worth it. cause idk why but they look good together the visuals are nice but it seems off.

idk it seems forced cause they're in a deal and they want something from the other, and i get the gist as to why lol.

but like example: while they're having a serious conversation they just randomly carress / hug the other and my mind just goes... "okay...?
what is this?" the only thing that keeps me going as of now is Rohas lol

    dangeeWaluruses October 19, 2023 5:49 am

    It's so so good, I promise

    fairy October 22, 2023 11:10 pm

    its alright tbh, im honestly still reading just because im too far in to drop it

    naviilee December 29, 2023 11:29 pm

    I'm at chapter 35 atm but honestly all i care at the moment is whatever happens to Rohas/Rodges because I only care about him LMAO. Although, it's pretty good so far I would say. Just not my favourite type of development between the main lead and the main character, however it's definitely worth a read.