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this is gonna be long

sesese October 16, 2023 8:42 pm

so ive read the spoilers/rants and oh boy was it bad, so apparently the promo and idea sa cute and nice but it goes frustratingly bad as the story progress.

disclaimer: i havent read the novel because i cant find it anymore and after reading these rants,idk id want to, so these are just from other people that have read the novel and please dont come for my head.

I'll start off with the common rant ive seen and its about how the fl does a baby talk, so she talks in this cutesy childlike way like "pwease".

Shes also not very smart but thats okay, weve seen other fls that make up for that with compassion and grace...

BUT shes not like any other female leads! You know how other fls that were also abused would jump into action when they see it happen cause they dont want it to happen to others? well this bestie is different, she sees abuse and lets it happen

    sesese October 16, 2023 8:43 pm

    holy shit i edited it bcs of a spelling mistake and it got halved hell nah im not writing it again

    xixie April 13, 2024 4:49 am
    holy shit i edited it bcs of a spelling mistake and it got halved hell nah im not writing it again sesese

    When im getting curious, the rant sounds crisp-

    But its okay, i can already tell from the promo the fl act cutesy and all, that im not that interested for the manhwa

    JustUWU April 28, 2024 8:30 pm

    Wha- any examples? Like what do you mean she lets it happen?