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Man you all are biggest disappointment.

Prettyprettykaveh October 17, 2023 8:51 am

Ngl but the amount of ppl are complaining about the side stories are so annoying? Like you know thr story already had ended right? You don't have to read the side stories if they don't match your vibe at all. On the other hand I love these chapters because as an author myself I would love to give glimpse of others side characters because that is so fun! And as a reader myself I love reading the side characters development too. Because let me tell you something in case you forget "the main characters and male lead" Thing is just saying, everyone is main character. It's just a matter of perspective of people, who we want to see as a main character. You don't like what is going right now? Then follow my advice.


Just don't make those people experience foul just because you don't like it. We all have our tastes. You want to read the Smuts? Go read the previous season. You will find them there. Want dark angst? Still go to previous seasons.

Because right now it is fully clear that the artist wants to explore the world they created and when I said that you are no one. Like literally no one to stop them from doing that. So you want to complain just do it somewhere else.

    Athena82 October 17, 2023 7:04 pm

    These aren't sides stores lol Its the third season

    Prettyprettykaveh October 18, 2023 6:23 am
    These aren't sides stores lol Its the third season Athena82

    Bro go to author twitter. You will find the answer yourself. What I meant to say is that these upcoming chapters will be focused on the side characters more. So if these punk are just gonna complain all the time then don't you think it's better if they just leave the story? I had already read the raws and the chapters are about the other characters. Like bro not a single story can tick your every priority. For readers like me whatever is happening is the story is quite fruitful to me. I am enjoying this season as much I enjoyed the others, even more. So yeah I already warn you about the upon chapters.

    Athena82 October 18, 2023 3:29 pm

    You are way to pressed about other people and their opinions. If people don't enjoy the chapters their allowed to voice their opinions. Relax a bit lol. Not everyone will agree with you and that's okay. Some people have been following this story for years and this season isn't what they expected. And that's okay.

    Soohwa October 18, 2023 4:06 pm
    You are way to pressed about other people and their opinions. If people don't enjoy the chapters their allowed to voice their opinions. Relax a bit lol. Not everyone will agree with you and that's okay. Some pe... Athena82

    Ofc people are allowed to voice their opinions but it’s tiring to see constant complaining after every. new. chapter. I’d like to see comments discussing about the characters and the story but all people are doing is complaining abt it..
    I get that people can be disappointed with the new season, but I don’t understand why they’re still here acting like they’re being forced to read continuously moaning?
    Sorry if I’m coming off aggressive but it’s such a mood killer reading the comments

    Soohwa October 18, 2023 4:08 pm

    Right!! Like after 30 chapters you’d think that they’d stop reading but they’re still here I started to hate reading the comment section under this manhwa bc of that

    Athena82 October 18, 2023 4:11 pm

    Totally get it, it's too bad there aren't more forums where chapters are discussed. I think lots of people are expecting the same serious writing from prevous seasons and its not just not happening, which is disappointing for some.
    You just can't police what people say on a public forum ya know? I'm sure people will enjoy the upcoming chapters that are more focused on Wolfgang and Shin lol There will probably be more discussion then (⌒▽⌒)

    Prettyprettykaveh October 19, 2023 2:46 am
    Totally get it, it's too bad there aren't more forums where chapters are discussed. I think lots of people are expecting the same serious writing from prevous seasons and its not just not happening, which is di... Athena82

    No no! It's absolutely fine of people telling their opinion and you are right we can't police their opinion. But you know it's quite hurt that whenever you come to the comment section you only find complaint on it. As I said previously, I had already read the raws and there is not much more of shin and Wolfgang. I mean they have moment but not that much! This is the biggest kind of spoiler I can gave people. I will also comment in future and notify you about the chapter where shin and Wolfgang had moment, like the strong one.