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reading this reminded me just how bad men are at writing women

medeva October 17, 2023 10:09 pm

and their ideas of romance being aggravated hyper-masculinity and domination. within world it made sense why urich threatened her but narratively/thematically the fact men really do read this and find it cool and macho to threaten to snap a woman’s neck off just because she’s a little sassy.

i always felt like this manhwa was better when women weren’t in the story at all not because i’m some fujo peddler who didn’t want female characters in my ship or because i’m misogynistic but precisely because i hated the way they were written. i still remember that one brown girl who was treated like a joke from every angle then killed off. god, i really did love reading this webtoon in the beginning but was sorely reminded overtime why i took a break anyway.

also urich is so ugly now, not even by personality just by art style. remembering how pretty he was in the earlier chapters

    dangeeWaluruses October 22, 2023 11:21 pm

    While I agree wholeheartedly with most of this, I feel like Ulrich would've done the same if Damia was man in that situation, there just wouldn't have been the weird tension in an inappropriate situation. The loss of Ulrich's prettiness is truly devastating tho, and they have overall treated women to be very surface level so far, I do like the acknowledgment of the shitty situation of women in this world tho, that's something that even most of the fluffy shojo manhuas just treat as normal and ok

    medeva October 23, 2023 4:46 am
    While I agree wholeheartedly with most of this, I feel like Ulrich would've done the same if Damia was man in that situation, there just wouldn't have been the weird tension in an inappropriate situation. The l... dangeeWaluruses

    yeah you’re right my gripe isn’t with the characters they aren’t real after all it’s just what statement the author is saying with them. also yes ulrich used to be so beautiful however i think there’s been a degrade in art overall? i could be wrong its just that nothing pops the way it did before

    Wtfjusthappened??? November 4, 2023 11:28 am

    So i guess I wouldn't be reading this...sounds terrible

    medeva November 11, 2023 6:31 am
    So i guess I wouldn't be reading this...sounds terrible Wtfjusthappened???

    The thing is the beginning was so promising but I don’t know I should’ve figured months ago when I tried reading this on the scanlation groups site and seeing how misogynistic the comments were that this was clearly a manhwa made for a demographic of guys. Typical

    If I could just steal Urich and put him in something else, that would be my dream. If you still want to check out I think you’ll find the story digestible for quite some time. Maybe up to 50 chapters at least….

    Piper November 16, 2023 5:56 pm

    I mean he was younger at the start, and it's winter, and it's a war. It's something I like about this series, while Ulrich is OP, he's not invincible and it's got some realism. He's creative and rolls in shit if need be. Makes sense he's not hot right now, idk if he will go back to being, he looked good in that dream of him exploring the ocean later. As for the women comment, I'm used to it in historical series. It's a horrible situation, but one very realistic of the time, sadly. Also we are viewing this story through mercenaries, so they often deal with the bottom of the bunch, or the top of nobility, neither really respect women, because most didn't. damia just got introduced and she seems interesting, I wouldn't be surprised if the author plans on making her a figure in starting support for women's rights, she definitely has her brother's backing. He wishes she could have taken over the throne. But plot wise, it's more important to focus on the war at the moment, but now that that ended, who knows what direction it's going to take. Like a previous person said, the author at least showcases how it's fucked up, and I think that might mean the author is willing to start doing something about it by using damia. A very complex, well thought out series on so many fronts, with attempts at realism and historical accuracy. if characters and situations started out perfectly, there'd be no room for growth. But this is a story of Ulrich, so any women's rights things going on will always take the back burner as a side story.

    Sadly the brown girl was cannon fodder in a few ways, as Ulrich explores the world more, he'll probably come across the snake tattoo people again, and they were an introduction to them, how they were treated, and their reputation. Also just an eye opener to us readers on how women are treated. Ulrich is just a man of his time, and there's room for growth, which I think the author is going to do. This is definitely not a story that will pass the Bechdel test though. And I can understand if it's not a story for you.

    bleep_blop December 25, 2023 4:03 pm

    won't be reading this then....thanks for letting us know, it saves time