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Fuck, a domino effect of destruction started by that sick mother fuc#er of the Patriarch. ...

kyouran November 26, 2016 11:44 am

Fuck, a domino effect of destruction started by that sick mother fuc#er of the Patriarch. He violated poor Renzou since he was a child and confined him to those terrible conditions, his wife became crazy because of the atrocity her husband was committing, she physically and sexually abused Norihiko and psychologically twisted her son, Norihiko in turn purposely psycholoigcally twisted and sexually molested Ikuro and now that poor innocent girl that married Ikuro is definitely going to be mentally fucked as well. I should walk away right now before this shit gets worst, which is undoubtedly bound to happen. shm

    Kimo.i December 27, 2016 12:07 pm

    shm? "Shaking Head My?" lmao

    manganiME February 3, 2017 11:53 pm

    This family needs to stop breeding, cause they're cursed. Let it end in gay couples without babies, going away from that house. That house is EVIL. Ranzo, be happy. You poor innocent child. Sob.