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Well, we all know this will be toxic bit I am in

Sunflower October 20, 2023 10:48 pm

I will read this. I know in advance it's going to be frustrating. She will choose the Duke who will make her suffer until the end, which makes no sense since he is not in agreement with her deep values (respect life forms and not kill for pleasure). Kyle is so much more suited for her, and while I can understand that she doesn't like him and only sees him as family, that's no reason to choose the Ml. I've seen a lot of comments explaining that the Ml acted in a certain way to make her hate him to hide his feelings...but what feelings??? She was a minor!? I feel like this relationship is going to be very toxic but I'm still going to read because the drawings are exceptional

    MangaSanctuary October 22, 2023 6:06 pm

    If she'd choose Kyle and marry him, it would be the best for her because they share the same humanist values and understand each other better. Kyle is also handsome, so this is a loss for her as well as losing an old friend. But plot wise, it would be a plain romance if things were to go that way...
    I think that despite Kyle being the perfect suitor, Layla isn't attracted to him the same way she is towards the Duke that she had met first, btw. She was 12 when they first met, so she was very young, but he has left a huge imprint in her.

    Sunflower October 23, 2023 4:43 pm

    Plain romance in real life are the real deal actually ahah
    But I understand it doesn't reach the audimat in novels if there aren't some dramas