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Super cute, 5 stars I love how the author put so much thought in the plot and consulted re...

Euna (I make long ass essays) October 21, 2023 6:33 pm

Super cute, 5 stars
I love how the author put so much thought in the plot and consulted real professionals who are in the field of cg.
I find that so cool how they are passionate about it. Looking at the panels if you didnt read this you would think it's wordy, but when you actually read it, they explain things so well that it's actually interesting and not boring, makes you curious about CG as well. Props to the author, you dont see this kind of plot or office type of love since corporate bl are more common, this is so refreshing to me :DD

Anyways LOVE this story, its worth the read guys, and I love the relationship between them, how it centers on self growth and how they want the both of them to keep improving, like
THEY ARE SO PURE FOR THAT I LOVE IT they want to be better at the thing they love and i honestly find that so attractive now I'm just babbling but yall totally give this a read
