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cant figure out if harada is just rly good at writing fucked up shit or borderline romanti...

bishounensupremacy October 22, 2023 3:45 pm

cant figure out if harada is just rly good at writing fucked up shit or borderline romanticizing it

    bunniesss October 22, 2023 3:50 pm

    pretty sure he's just really reallllly good at writing them

    Jimmy October 22, 2023 3:58 pm

    honestly i think bro loves writing it but also likes it in general… not romanticizing it just the pure fucked up shit

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ October 22, 2023 4:23 pm

    About Harada I feel that after reading most works they try hardest for us to feel disgusted with characters also to love them at the same time that we just don't romanticize them alone but feel pitiful for both characters at the end.