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Does this consider as grooming.......???

V*7 October 22, 2023 5:42 pm

Does this consider as grooming.......???

    V*7 October 26, 2023 1:21 pm
    You basically answered your own question throughout your own answer. "Right now, he's being taken care of by the MC" exactly, which is why the entire plot line happen to exist. He's a dragon and if he were to "... alexblue_

    If that's how you feel fine
    I'll do what i feel like right you do what you fell like
    that's it
    If the story went like you said it will just be another story that's it
    And that's not how i imagined how the story would have been
    Which is fine we just have different preferences on things
    I really am not trying to fight and i didn't assume anything I just spoke from what's already known
    Just ignore me if I annoy you too much

    V*7 October 26, 2023 4:32 pm
    You basically answered your own question throughout your own answer. "Right now, he's being taken care of by the MC" exactly, which is why the entire plot line happen to exist. He's a dragon and if he were to "... alexblue_

    If you feel like then sure
    You hold your opinion and I'll hold mine
    To me it's a bit odd
    To you it's fine
    It's just a matter of perspective and both ain't wrong
    And even if it went like you said if the dragon didn't meet mc in the beginning in my head it went a bit different than what you said
    And i didn't make assumptions of this is what the manga will be, I said it based on the what we know now and clearly it's not the complete info and I will be more than happy to be proved wrong which is again why I am curious to know what will happen and decide what to do later and if feel free to ignore me if I annoy you