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Nelly October 24, 2023 10:08 am

They put smth in the drink so that jaekyung is going to lose but doc drank that SHIIIIITTTTTT and now doc is in bad condition and jaekyung cant do .
Sexy time With doc Dan

    Morohtar October 24, 2023 10:44 am

    ....what exactly made you think he won't fuck him?
    Up to this point, even being injured didn't bother the guy, so I heavily doubt he'll care. Unless Dan really shows a more severe reaction than ever before. Which I also doubt.

    Nelly October 26, 2023 5:48 pm
    ....what exactly made you think he won't fuck him?Up to this point, even being injured didn't bother the guy, so I heavily doubt he'll care. Unless Dan really shows a more severe reaction than ever before. Whic... Morohtar

    Ah ye forgot U right..:'(