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...I love Russel, and ngl, I have no mercy for her brother, she never wronged him. He's an...

Lucy October 25, 2023 6:04 am

...I love Russel, and ngl, I have no mercy for her brother, she never wronged him. He's an adult already while she's still a kid, he needs to die just like hw k*lled her back then.
And don't try to defend him, I am being very fair, a life for a life, he took her life by using and manipulating, pure, innocent Russel, that "brother" must suffer.
No forgiveness for murderers, thiefs, narcissistic sociopaths, manipulators.
He is disgusting.
Thank God, we have Russel who's a breath of fresh air and a sweetness to behold, our light in this manhwa.
And yes, I don't want something similar to the abandoned empress to happen here too, in the abandoned empress he also k*lled her family, tortured her then k*lled her too, and after reaincarnating she still fell for him and allowed him to step all over her again, so stupid.
Even if this is different cause they're half siblings, it is still factual, he k*lled their parents, isolated her far away with nothing, then k*lled her just cause she is a naturally good person with a pure heart, I don't want anyone to use our pure MC or our Innocent Russel, Justice for pure and innocent people, they have a right to live happily in this world and for their enemies to suffer even when they do nothing!

    Lucy October 25, 2023 6:08 am

    Fiy, even if he is intellectually better suited to be emperor. He is still factually, a murderer, a criminal, and a traitor for assassinating the emperor and his queen.
    Also, isolating his sole sister.
    So yes, we don't care about a f*cking dictator, would you like a m*rderer who's just a bit better at his job since he has more experience, or a ruler who genuinely cares for their subjects and is there for them, always trying to help, and so kind, compassionate and empathetic, also strong and smart.
    Do not underestimate our Princess! She's a lioness!

    LessThanACoin November 22, 2023 4:20 pm

    Disagree I think the emperor and that concubine deserved to die. Afterall, they literally made his life a hell

    the FML on the other hand is favoured by everyone? Off she wld be kind and naive.Her whole happy life was derived from her brother's suffering. Not her fault 100% agree. But shld he have continue suffering so her bish ass parents could continue with this cruel treatment. Yeah no. Glad those two garbage died

    Guybery December 21, 2023 11:32 am
    Fiy, even if he is intellectually better suited to be emperor. He is still factually, a murderer, a criminal, and a traitor for assassinating the emperor and his queen.Also, isolating his sole sister.So yes, we... Lucy

    I mean, the brother got a revenge on the emperor and his mistress for driving his mother insane and to death. Or did you forget about the fact that the emperor fell in love with FL mom and isolated the deal impress in a castle until she became almost insane and died?
    We always support characters that get revenge on trashy families, and the emperor and his wife where nothing more than garbage to her brother.
    In her first life, he did not manipulate ML. ML had his stuff going on and he simply offered him to work for him after observing his skills. The brother simply didn't see ML more than a sword to him. If we are talking about manipulation, FL approached ML with an intent in her mind, not that it is negative, but that is more akin to manipulation than what her brother did.
    Finally about killing his sister: once he became emperor, his sister wasn't really a treat to him, so he didn't need to kill her, so for that one, no excuses, because regardless of her healing people and everything, the likelihood of the population to make a coup and have her replace the tyran was low, especially since she wasn't even interested in being the empress. ( But he might still have considered that as a possibility and decided to kill her since she was getting support, but again, she was innocent)
    FL didn't choose to have trashy parents, and because she was so loved, she never really cared about what happened to her brother, but at her brother's eyes, her happiness was nothing than his unhappiness.
    Overall, that doesn't justify him being a tyrant

    Lucy December 22, 2023 7:35 am
    I mean, the brother got a revenge on the emperor and his mistress for driving his mother insane and to death. Or did you forget about the fact that the emperor fell in love with FL mom and isolated the deal imp... Guybery

    Hey, he can do that to the parents, I don't justify that, im saying the girl, he needs to be fair, she was a kid who always loved and followed him around, in the usual stories where we support revenge, our MC always takes care of the kid who was nice like Arabella in "Sister, this time I'll be the Queen" or smth, she's just a kid so she's being protected by the MC who reincarnated, and that's great, so why isn't he doing the same? Anyway, feels bad for Russel his whole life being treated like that, poor guy.
    Btw, when is this gonna update??
    I've been waiting so long, and please if you have any recommendations like this one, ah I can't wait and read something nice!!

    Lucy December 22, 2023 7:39 am
    Disagree I think the emperor and that concubine deserved to die. Afterall, they literally made his life a hell the FML on the other hand is favoured by everyone? Off she wld be kind and naive.Her whole happy l... LessThanACoin

    Once again, sure, who cares about the parents I guess, im talking about our MC though, I don't know when I wrote that comment but im pretty sure I only spoke of MC and Russell, did I ever mention the parents, like guys, read what people write before commenting from now on, thank youu, trash is trash, now is MC trash? Is Russell trash?? Why did he do that to our boi? Also I said "one innocent life" not three, so please stay on the subject, do you think he's justified to literally follow her to that tiny little village where she was exiled already and make someone else who's being abused by him and manipulated, to do the dirty deeds in his stead like come on, both MC and Russell are naive and innocent and have been used and ended badly, they deserve better because they are good people doing good deeds and I like them!

    LessThanACoin December 22, 2023 10:34 am
    Once again, sure, who cares about the parents I guess, im talking about our MC though, I don't know when I wrote that comment but im pretty sure I only spoke of MC and Russell, did I ever mention the parents, l... Lucy

    You literally mention that her parents were killed as one of the supporting points on why he made her life devastating hence I said fk those trash. Plus, she literally made it her MOTIVE to make her shit ass parents to have a happy ending TOO after causing misery to the innocent mother and son? Please read, yes?

    Also why should he die in this life time? He has yet to kill her. She simply died in the past due to her inability to emphasize beyond her own comfort. She literally admitted she did not dare to reach out for fear of rejection. It's not her problem to solve, yes, but that's what she will get if she doesn't do anything to stop those two trash. It's literally been set up for her to die because of her trash parents and trash political sides that want her to get the crown. Regardless, she's innocent no need to repeat. And she's kind, but unfortunately, she has to clean up her parent's wrong doing or she will suffer the sin for their doing. As unfortunate as it is, and how it isn't fair, I doubt it's practical to look at what's fair or not when the brother and his mother's suffering wasn't fair to begin with. Why should he even view it in sympathetic light?

    The only good thing is that she finally had epiphany after dying, and had a motive behind her actions (her and her family dying) to finally be better and clean up her parent's sin. That's what she has to bear for being their daughter and unfortunately, indirectly causing the brother's suffering.

    Lucy December 22, 2023 11:19 am
    You literally mention that her parents were killed as one of the supporting points on why he made her life devastating hence I said fk those trash. Plus, she literally made it her MOTIVE to make her shit ass pa... LessThanACoin

    Yeah, I read, I said it's bad he killed her since she's a kid. Never said it's bad be killed her parents, that was pointing the similarities to abandoned empress, go back to school and learn to read too ig. And understanding things better might come in handy, I thought we were having a conversation but I guess you believed we were arguing, foolish.