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Joy October 26, 2023 8:20 pm

Can anyone remind me of whats Killian’s curse about and what is the history of Lamenta in the story?

    Hayate Mei November 26, 2023 3:25 pm

    Killian's fathers people killed her mother for dealing with demons, not understanding how Lamenta worked. Her grandmother cursed the emperor, saying he would shed tears of blood over his children.

    Later, Killian killed his bro for killing his zombie mother.

    kijoo February 16, 2024 11:03 am
    Killian's fathers people killed her mother for dealing with demons, not understanding how Lamenta worked. Her grandmother cursed the emperor, saying he would shed tears of blood over his children. Later, Killi... Hayate Mei

    Tbf, his brother wasnt even technically related to him or the emperor. He was his step brother, from the red haired empress's previous marriage.