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Idk yall im pretty chill with this manhwa rn at chapter 45 . Just kinda have a bitttt of a...

nice October 27, 2023 3:44 pm

Idk yall im pretty chill with this manhwa rn at chapter 45
Just kinda have a bitttt of a nitpick with the fl, if shes planning to put a label to their relationships shouldnt she tell her mom that she already has a guy??? SUCH AN ASSHOLE MOVE to go to a blindate while stating your intentions to jihan..

    Qxeen_zxy November 16, 2023 3:52 pm

    But they don’t have a label. Stating “I want to create a label” doesn’t equal a label is made. Also she asked him for time to consider what her feelings are and how she will move forward. She needs time to heal and she’s willing to do the work to heal so she can be good to him in their future relationship. She could have lied and gone on the date behind his back but she chose to tell him to prove herself trustworthy. He knew her parents pushed her onto dates. Her mum threatened her anyways. How can she ignore that? She tried to explain but he got upset and left. He has a right to be upset about the situation but he can’t be angry at her when they aren’t in an official relationship and he knows her past and WHY she doesn’t want to put herself at risk or tell her parents prematurely. He knows yet he doesn’t try to understand why she can’t tell her parents. She can’t let her parents down again. It broke them probably more than it broke her. She can’t do that to them again. Yet he’s not trying to understand or even ask her if the reason she’s going on blind dates for her parents is because of the past. I don’t think either of them are bad or wrong but he needs to be more understanding when he interacts with her. Her ptsd will affect everything in her life and how she interacts with literally everything. He needs to accept that in order to understand why she’s acting in this way.