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Keiko-sama October 27, 2023 4:27 pm

I was reading, one page, two pages and I thought, damn, I know this drawings... after two or three more pages I remember ! It's an artist I saw when I was younger, like 10/11 years ago on pinterest, I was looking at her short yaoi on there, I remeber two, one where the seme bring the uke to a nightclub and they fuck there because everyone do, and the other one where a seme and uke are punching each other until they bled and fucked... It was in japanese so I didn't understand but I loved the drawings, wah I totally forgot about that :)

    Keiko-sama October 27, 2023 4:28 pm

    It wasn't on pinterest at all, I have no idea why I said this shit, it was on Pixiv !