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The author has a fucking point

°Yaoi•Fan•Next•Door° October 29, 2023 5:50 am

Nah u know what's crazy it's the fact that what the author is doing to doheok is genuinely the only way to make that mf change cuz like this gets me lowk aggravated cuz i KNOW ppl like this actually exist and theres WAY MORE bitches like dohyeok out in the open than any of u would expect

I have a friend that goes to King's college school in London which is a rich ass private ass college and let me tell u rn them stereotypes about rich kids partying all the time going on holiday all the time ARE LITERALLY TRUE like my friend heard some guys bragging to each other ABOUT SPIKING A GIRLS DRINK like this is a weekly accomplishment for them and they're only fucking 16

Mfs like this who genuinely have no fucking empathy in their souls will never change their ways unless u make them go through what they dismiss and lack sympathy for
