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Is he me?

Sakuraruu October 29, 2023 11:12 am

First chapter in, and I thought he was me...
I get bruises on almost daily basis. And random stuff flying at me. Though so far thank God nothing as serious as what happened to him...
Just last week when I was working, I grabbed a paper with my left hand, and suddenly a gust of wind send the paper other end straight onto my right eye. The sting is deadly. Straight away pouring eye drop specialised for cleaning and relieves the eyes.
Or some random small sharp piece of hard plastic got crushed by passing forklift which applied pressure on it which send it flying at high speed onto my head...
Thank God, my thick hair protected me so I only got small scratch, not bleeding.
I also hit my pinky toe real hard on the side of the wall when rushing to open a door at home. It takes 1 month to heal.
My shins got bruised too often that now the colour stay dark even after it healed.

    Keana October 29, 2023 9:35 pm

    What happened to your guardian angel? On break or something because damn!!!! I thought I was full of bad luck

    Pipk November 4, 2023 8:54 am

    Girl go get an exorcism omg