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This is frustrating.

Civitas October 29, 2023 4:47 pm

Instead of being happy that Cain is back, he just shoves him away again! And only because he‘s SO insecure that he listens to what other people say more, than to himself. But he himself isn‘t sure either and that‘s fking frustrating.
They all need to communicate more clearly. I don‘t like Yahwi but at least he shows his feelings more than the other two.
Wtf are you so afraid of, Cain? Just tell him and see where it goes. If Jooin shoves you away nevertheless, dump him and find someone better.
Someone, wo doesn’t waist your time and keeps you waiting and hoping.
And Jooin is being so stupid -.-
As if Cain would‘ve come back if you didn’t mean anything to him.
And as if Cain hasn’t said to you, that he will come back and showed you multiple times, how much you mean to him!

Gosh, he’s so annoying .
I just want this manhwa to end.

    Blythe October 31, 2023 5:06 pm

    I didn't mean to downwote!!! ;-;