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To the question of whether the girl doesnt respect herself too much for going naked withou...

NekoLoka November 29, 2016 11:40 am

To the question of whether the girl doesnt respect herself too much for going naked without being ashamed, I would like to say to everyone:

Honestly, I think the girl respects herself but for her it isn´t embarrassing to be naked, except with the person who likes her (sexual candidate).
What's more, I would like to say that there has always been the idea that a woman's body (and a few embarrassing men included) is somehow embarrassing in sight, and they have to cover it, because she ALWAYS tempts toward sex, while the naked body of a man isn´t embarrassing (except his penis) ... The sexual organs is what is considered embarrassing to show for both men and women (By the way, breasts shouldn´t be considered as a sexual organ, they only serve to feed the children with milk, but I will not deny that the nipples are an erogenous point, but only women have to cover it and men also have nipples), and the role of women throughout history has always been seen with the sole purpose of sex and raising children, for society a woman who isn´t ashamed of her nakedness is a woman who has sex easily, which is well seen for men, but is very bad sight for women (Sadly, even today).
A good example is Arabia, the point of view of women obligate them to consider themselves as something embarrassing that they must always be covered.
That is one of the general teachings of the society in which we live today, whether it is true or not, that depends on each person.
I am not against covering your body, as to show it, each person has the right to do whatever they wants. The problem is created, when it does´t match the ideals of other people.
