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Ash.reen October 31, 2023 2:20 pm

I've been following this manga for a LONGGGGGGG LONGGGGGGG LONGGGG time and I'm having some feelings over it reaching to the end already. Its a bittersweet feelings to see their relationship progress and at first I got weirded out because i feel like there seems to be a personality gap with the two main characters because they act softer and gentler with each other than they used to in the previous volumes (do remind that they started as a master-slave relationship) and there's less resistant towards the pining in the new volumes too but then, i realized it just Daato and Juju learning how to accept care and care for each other and falling for each other and I like it, it started as a rough toxic slave-master relationship until it turns into something unexpectedly sweeter where they both actually try putting effort into their marriage. It turns into something better that i didn't expect it to happen at all. ALSO THEIR KIDS ARE FUCKING CUTE. Its a wonderful read
