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i like the concept but the execution was poor

Indian Fujo October 31, 2023 3:15 pm

for starters, the uke is over emotional. all he does is cry in every second panel. second, the seme fell in love w the uke bc he told him not to compare himself w his brother. really??? just one basic advice changes everything in your life and you fall in love with a man (no less) without any indication of u being gay, ever?
the story should have been - the bro didnt love the uke back so the uke finds solace in the seme
the bro loved the uke but couldnt confess so the younger bro helped the uke realize his big bro's feelings for him.

the end.

    Marie || nini <3 January 15, 2024 10:15 am

    well. as unrealistic as the story is, grief does strange things to people. tokio already had a lot of turmoil re his relationship w his older brother, & obviously it only got worse after hajime committed suicide, especially because tokio blames himself- all this to say; he’s very vulnerable emotionally. ren knew his brother so they instantly had that connection, and, to add, ren was compassionate & acknowledged him as his own person, which it seems no one had really done before. so with tokio’s inferiority complex, his guilt, & his mourning, it probably didn’t wouldn’t take much for him to form an emotional connection, and, in the story, it didn’t. now, with ren’s crying: the person he loved died, by suicide at that. it makes 110% sense that he’d be a wreck. i’m not really the biggest fan of this story, but still:/