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Wangwang girl, STUPID.

aki22 October 31, 2023 9:00 pm

No matter how many times I've read this naivety, innocence, and meddling with people's affair by not knowing them is not an excuse to help someone make your dream come true. Her stupidity pissed me off.

    cooky November 24, 2023 3:35 pm

    Agreed. I couldn’t stand her. Her desire to have Huan and yuyang end up together was just based on her selfishness. But I’m glad that she and huan’s friend (forgot his name) had a talk because she realized how her actions can hurt people and that being gay isn’t just sunshines and rainbows. I think her character was a good example of a naive character who always thinks of the best and doesn’t think of the consequences of their actions