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So in the first place DH is friends with those who gand rape* him, I felt soo bad for him ...

Kookie94 October 31, 2023 9:53 pm

So in the first place DH is friends with those who gand rape* him, I felt soo bad for him and I still feel he is traumatised, knowing the group of friends it shows that at some point/may not have been mentioned in the story he(DH) must have had done the same thing to other people who hot dragged into their parties....

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 11:42 pm

    I reread the story, he didn’t drag anyone else in it. And we don’t have any context to say he did either. It was mainly Youngwu (grey haired) that initiated drugs and rape. And they weren’t exactly friends based off what I saw, Dohyeok never liked how Youngwu was like.

    After that gangrape, anyone would be traumatized for sure.

    Heu77 November 1, 2023 12:13 am

    For the side story, DH did drag Suha around but he also gave Suha a choice to leave. But the pressure caused Suha to stay and play along, but he really hated it and wanted DH to himself.