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Help I can’t stop reading BLs, I have a lot of work to do :((

rizuu November 1, 2023 6:24 am

Help I can’t stop reading BLs, I have a lot of work to do :((

    NotAstarion November 1, 2023 7:44 am

    Pray to the gay gods to resist the temptation. (or set a 1 hr timer, do your work, set the timer again, rest/read bl, vice versa. Tip brought to you by an idiot with adhd(๑•ㅂ•)و✧)

    All Hail Yato November 1, 2023 8:35 am

    Set a time, like you could visit mangago once a week. Me too, i'm on hiatus for my competition and work schedule, but not fully(?) Hiatus lol. I was determined to visit mangago once a week so i could focus, it was difficult at first but not anymore. But somehow this "once a week" schedule makes me forgot about BL, so for now i could even visit mangago for once a month or so. Anyway, good luck

    rizuu November 1, 2023 11:26 am
    Pray to the gay gods to resist the temptation. (or set a 1 hr timer, do your work, set the timer again, rest/read bl, vice versa. Tip brought to you by an idiot with adhd(๑•ㅂ•)و✧) NotAstarion

    I do this but i ignore the timer

    rizuu November 1, 2023 11:26 am
    Set a time, like you could visit mangago once a week. Me too, i'm on hiatus for my competition and work schedule, but not fully(?) Hiatus lol. I was determined to visit mangago once a week so i could focus, it ... All Hail Yato

    Maaan once a week? I’ve been at it nonstop for the whole week my head hurts