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Swankyfeet November 1, 2023 9:33 pm

Ooohhhh the twist this season!!!
OMG I can't wait to learn more about Ashley's dad. Like he was supposed to be this loving father but was neglectful in reality.

Will Baron make him disappear???
༼⁰o⁰;༽ w(°o°)w

    Alistair November 1, 2023 10:11 pm

    What if he's a fake!!??

    Swankyfeet November 3, 2023 1:15 pm
    What if he's a fake!!?? Alistair

    That's totally a possibility I'm excited for! Also it's even a better twist if he isn't. It throws a wrench in Mrs Vans' power in that society.
    As a male patriarch figure is here, it really curbs a woman's freedom. I hate it and am excited to see how MOTHER navigates through this.
    Ashley deserves better!

    Alistair November 3, 2023 1:19 pm
    That's totally a possibility I'm excited for! Also it's even a better twist if he isn't. It throws a wrench in Mrs Vans' power in that society. As a male patriarch figure is here, it really curbs a woman's free... Swankyfeet

    Oh gosh I forgot if he is fake Ashley with be devastated (/TДT)/

    Swankyfeet November 3, 2023 2:13 pm
    Oh gosh I forgot if he is fake Ashley with be devastated (/TДT)/ Alistair

    Can't say for sure really. I think it'll be complicated for her. Even though she grew up pampered, she was neglected emotionally. She didn't have any real friends or family around her growing up.
    And she definitely doesn't have a lot of memories with her father since he was always off on trade overseas. So whatever love she received from her father was only surface level.
    Poor child.