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probably one of the best beta x beta omegaverse out there

cheese November 2, 2023 7:13 am

you did not know how much this manga did to me oh god. i had a neutral expectations to it. I thought that "ahh beta x beta. prolly just some slice of life stuff let's read it." and oh boy i was not prepared for the angst that followed. like- i was so holding onto the hope that maybe they're misdiagnosed. what if they're both alpha and omega AND fated pairs? i never ever rooted anyone in omegaverse to have the traditional alpha x omega relationship. i so fucking hated alpha x omega but this one just hits different.

at chapter 4, i held onto the hope that maybe Hibiki is an omega. I saw a silver lining of hope that maybe they're actually fated pairs. I was happy maybe. Maybe the next chapter's about misdiagnosed stuff.

then chapter 5 came. i forgot one thing that's the most important. it doesn't matter if they're not fates pairs as long as they love each other. i felt so stupid yet enlightened at the same time. The moral all along is that love doesn't see second nor first genders. Fuck traditional fated pairs. These betas are better than fated pairs.

Aoume Ao is such a great storyteller.

    crimsoncrow January 21, 2024 5:43 pm

    is there any other beta x beta ones u recommend?

    tell me to get off this site January 22, 2024 12:12 pm
    is there any other beta x beta ones u recommend? crimsoncrow

    unfortunately no. i haven't seen any beta x beta omegaverse so far except for this. seriously, this industry needs to thrive its beta x beta pairings ;;

    crimsoncrow January 23, 2024 2:14 am
    unfortunately no. i haven't seen any beta x beta omegaverse so far except for this. seriously, this industry needs to thrive its beta x beta pairings ;; tell me to get off this site
