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they are so gay and in love im gonna fucking puke AAAAAAAJENXNEKXKEK

skullcandies November 3, 2023 8:39 am

kuran being a sneakerhead lmfaoooooo so butch-coded i neeeeed someone like her...

that aside i love how down-to-earth and realistic the characters are?!?!! like the author really nailed their personalities and was able to really include the small little intricacies that made it apparent that they are lgbt like they ping off my gaydar BADDD but tbf gl does a good job of having like, that "by gays for gays" kinda atmosphere/aura/quality, aside from the ones made by straight men for the male gaze which are obvious at first glance... i'll always be pleasantly surprised by the quality and overall superiority of gl compared to bl like you can tell these characters are GAY PEOPLE instead of weird fetishized caricatures... this manga just seems so much more so "by gays for gays" though, like the characterization and writing really nailed it! like these two really seem like regular old oomf 1 and oomf 2 on a gay person's twitter tl you feel me... like kuran being a weird girl who's a born hater and enjoys infodumping??? ichiko being a fluffy cute introverterted girlcringe who's into cute things and wants to jump on tiktok trends????? i feel right at home with them LMFAO in fact i see myself jn kuran minus the sneakerhead part LOL anw point in case is this manga really captured the quintessential modern gay teen girl experience and i marvel at how crazy it is that these things can feel so universal like idk i think it's beautiful that even with cultural language and national barriers the shared lgbt experience can bring gay people together no matter where they come from (shrug emoji)

final note but i also think it's cool that the manga is inundated with neat little trivia info like it was cool learning how subcultures came to be and how air jordans got so popular... we love you infodumping weird girl kuran never stop being you!!!
