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The mother and father are such assholes. Lia doesn't deserve this, I can understand why sh...

[the mentally drained teen] November 3, 2023 12:09 pm

The mother and father are such assholes. Lia doesn't deserve this, I can understand why she would be so forgiving to them, bec at the end of the day she grew up being fed the idea that her bio mother tried to kill her brother, therefore she sympathized with the step mother and thought that she was at fault for her mother's actions, which she was manipulated to believe. The brother is no better than anyone, although he tried to be there for lius he never treated Lia as a sister but always saw her as her faux identity, which was no help, he was also mostly on the neutral side so he always turned a blind eye to his mother did to Lia, same with the father he never held his wife accountable for anything and let her to continually mistreat Lia for years on end. I'm looking forward to seeing how she will react now that she knows her mother was innocent all along.
