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this is by far the most goofiest yet frustrating shit ive ever read. the dialogue at this ...

segusensei November 4, 2023 3:31 am

this is by far the most goofiest yet frustrating shit ive ever read. the dialogue at this point gives me a headache. jooin is the stupidest mc ever written

    MeganeCho November 4, 2023 2:26 pm

    He's so dumb it's gotten to the point where I just dont think that he deserves either of them. Like how does he come back from rejecting both of them in the way that he has, by saying that he was kidnapped by aliens??? Seriously, I never thought I'd ever stop shipping an MC with a top and ship the two tops instead but I'm more excited for the potential that Cahwi has than anything else at this point

    segusensei November 6, 2023 2:48 am

    I totally agree w u bestie