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Why do I feel like they groomed the uke into this 😨

choco flavoured d*ck November 5, 2023 4:46 am

Why do I feel like they groomed the uke into this

    no. November 15, 2023 4:00 pm

    it's not a "feel", anyone under the age of consent it is automatically sexual assault and grooming

    Zuky_sama December 30, 2023 9:55 am
    it's not a "feel", anyone under the age of consent it is automatically sexual assault and grooming no.

    Maybe they’re in another country where it’s allowed, in many European countries it’s okay as long as you’re over 14 and it’s consensual :)

    no. December 30, 2023 11:47 am
    Maybe they’re in another country where it’s allowed, in many European countries it’s okay as long as you’re over 14 and it’s consensual :) Zuky_sama

    yea no sorry u sound weird as fuck, it's a moral thing everyone clearly knows that unless you're a creep or someone under 12

    Zuky_sama December 30, 2023 3:49 pm

    Then I guess people here have no morals XD

    didi March 25, 2024 8:15 pm
    Maybe they’re in another country where it’s allowed, in many European countries it’s okay as long as you’re over 14 and it’s consensual :) Zuky_sama

    Uhm it's actually not. If you do that to a Minor you're f ed.