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ThatYaoiGirl November 5, 2023 2:07 pm

Wait what do you mean that FL and ML are related like wtf. Why did the author write this and like what's up with them trying put siblings/family members
together that's gross take that shit to Alabama

    Naty Hunter May 20, 2024 12:37 pm

    That's not it what the person below meant to say was that the other girl (bride candidate)is somehow related to the ml
    She is from a vassal family mostly vassal families are branches from the main family so there's a high possibility of them being cousins in some level and as weird, fucked up and genetically unwise to do that's how aristocrats kept power in "the family"
    mc is not related to ml at all she was brought from an entirely different family and the person on the comments was just theorizing that she might be used to birth a healthier child than one that can be born out of inbreeding