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Somehow stepped out of my Yaoi territory and ended up here and got engaged by the interes...

kyouran June 13, 2017 6:21 am

Somehow stepped out of my Yaoi territory and ended up here
and got engaged by the interesting concept and went in search of the Raws, only for my interest to come to a complete halt! LOL!

There's a reason why I'm not so much into Hentai, because of the genre's propensity to feature skinny teenage males with prepubescent looking faces, fucking voluptuous girls and/or milfs. There's no way in hell I would choose THIS:

Over this magnificent specimen of dark masculinity:

LOL! cannot suspend my disbelief on this. Hey, to each his/her own, but again, it is an interesting concept, and the lead female is beyond gorgeous.

    Crazyanimegirl246 June 13, 2017 2:03 am

    ME TOO!! I'm like... what? I must pray to the Yaoi Gods to ask for forgiveness!! But for some reason I really like it...

    Anonymous January 4, 2018 1:08 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Haruhi4ever
