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AAHHHHHH!! Why did we get this horrible cliffhanger?? Oh my goodness!! This story really p...

yaoi-sensei December 2, 2016 12:44 am

AAHHHHHH!! Why did we get this horrible cliffhanger?? Oh my goodness!! This story really pisses me off but I somehow still love it. I mean, if they'd just talked about this from the start Jinha would be having those conversations and all that with Siwon but he just had to go on and be an ass. I mean, I guess I understand why he didn't say anything since he thought things were awkward after the retreat but even so, Siwon was DRUNK, I mean it's common sense a drunk person will not remember what happens in their state. He needed to be more understanding. Agh. Another thing that pisses me of is Siwon himself, as soon as Jinha began being a rude bitch he needed to just call him out. I think the first time Jinha punched him was the last straw. I would not work with someone as abusive as him. Am I the only one that was cheering for Siwon to kill him?? Cuz I sure was. And also when Siwon called him disgusting? I was actually glad he did so we could see that petrified face he showed right after. I know Siwon saying that might sound harsh but after all he's been through with this guy, anyone would react this way. Jinha practically forced himself on him!

Dammit but now that things have begun to be explained I can't help but give Jinha a chance. Thinking about how he was this little kid that used to talk to Siwon before is really cute, and well I guess he truly does like him, I'm sure he just doesn't know how to express himself or deal with the situation. I hope he redeems his ass asap and actually APOLOGIES for once in his life, dammit. I also hope Siwon gets to beat him up good (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
