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this is so fucked for real.. i've read other psychological mangas out there but t...

Niichan November 7, 2023 1:44 pm

this is so fucked for real.. i've read other psychological mangas out there but this is on another level, my emotions are in roller coaster rn and it doesn't help when im on my period too.. huge urge to kill everyone in her family, i hope that dead old man never gets peace and rot in hell.. and btw did her husband cheated??? Im lost

    plinky25 November 11, 2023 1:43 pm

    He didn’t, reread the chapter again. He was drugged by the girl and he ran away once he woke up before she could do anything. Although tbh, I wouldn’t blame him since she kind of was emotionally cheating on him with the dude she keeps in their house

    Niichan November 11, 2023 3:31 pm
    He didn’t, reread the chapter again. He was drugged by the girl and he ran away once he woke up before she could do anything. Although tbh, I wouldn’t blame him since she kind of was emotionally cheating on... plinky25

    true true