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So there IS affection at least!

CathyBLover November 7, 2023 7:38 pm

Points to auntie for immediately charging fort and beating the crap out of the supposed assaulter of her nephew that she hasn't seen or heard of in years! Too bad the guy was actually the nephew's bf, what a first meeting XD

    Fallen_Angel November 8, 2023 1:36 am

    Her nephew / adoptive son’s overly loving and overly caring boyfriend who is way too self aware of his own issues and feels like he’s going to put said boyfriend in a terrible position if he stays in the car. XD seriously though this is going to be a weird explanation to give to his family huh

    Furrina November 8, 2023 3:02 am

    She didn't KNOW it was her nephew. Whe charged in bécause she thought it was an assault in progress, not an assault on her nephew. That's why she was so shocked to see him. I dont think she would have interfered if she knew (or maybe she is the kinda who would save anyone regardless if who they are).

    CathyBLover November 8, 2023 3:09 am
    She didn't KNOW it was her nephew. Whe charged in bécause she thought it was an assault in progress, not an assault on her nephew. That's why she was so shocked to see him. I dont think she would have interfer... Furrina

    I think she knew based on how she first seemed disinterested when hearing about a fight, then widening her eyes when recognizing the nephew, but we'll hopefully find out next chapter.

    Furrina November 8, 2023 3:26 am
    I think she knew based on how she first seemed disinterested when hearing about a fight, then widening her eyes when recognizing the nephew, but we'll hopefully find out next chapter. CathyBLover

    Omega pheromones. Yanagi was in heat (hence the fight). She heard the fight "get in the car" and smelled the pheromones, so she probably thought some innocent omega in heat was getting kidnapped and rushed out.