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Why tf is she still a child????😭

Kaycee November 8, 2023 10:16 am

Why tf is she still a child????

    Ook June 2, 2024 9:08 pm

    Ig it’s bc the ML and the white hair guy keep going into realms which like makes them age significantly mf be staying there 8 hours a day = 200 days or smth which is like 5.4yrs for 1 month of training for ML

    Ook June 2, 2024 9:09 pm
    Ig it’s bc the ML and the white hair guy keep going into realms which like makes them age significantly mf be staying there 8 hours a day = 200 days or smth which is like 5.4yrs for 1 month of training for M... Ook

    Idk how the age works in this tho bc last time I checked she was 12-14?? And he just turned 18