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Why is this shit popular among yuri

THAH! November 9, 2023 11:34 pm

Fuck this artist and their disgusting PiV obsession. Thankfully this seem to be the only "Yuri" omegashit ever made so there are no other cancers like this around.

    zeuxis November 16, 2023 1:26 pm

    whats PiV? penis in vagina?
    if so, while i get the criticism, i think its not fair to dismiss any wlw media with it. women with that genitalia do exist (e.g. trans women) and it also makes sense in the abo context for female alphas to have both genitalia (the same way male omegas have their modified assholes in order to get pregnant). if youre looking for wlw media with no piv i feel like abo shouldve never been picked up by you to begin with if one of the characters is an alpha… seems fairly logical their anatomy would be along the lines of what this manhwa seemed to have shown….

    Menhera-dono November 22, 2023 5:42 am

    Omegaverse BL has men with wombs, omegaverse GL has women with dicks. Your complaint is as silly as saying "why are there so many pale women in horror movies?" That's just how the genre works.

    Btw there are Omegaverse GL where the alphas don't have dicks, but good luck finding them. Omegaverse not-BL is already difficult to come by as it is.

    THAH! November 23, 2023 10:23 am
    Omegaverse BL has men with wombs, omegaverse GL has women with dicks. Your complaint is as silly as saying "why are there so many pale women in horror movies?" That's just how the genre works.Btw there are Ome... Menhera-dono

    Dude I don't care, I want to see female bodies RS/smut only, if an artist can't draw that without dicks (a male organ) involved then they should stick with BL or het stuff and have all the sausagefest they want but leave the Yuri genre out of it, these artists can't fathom the idea of two women having sex without one of them having a gross dick between their legs and must think without a D lesbian sex ain't legit and that's really homophobic IMO so fuck them all

    "Yuri" aob, futa, g!p are all cancers and their creators should choke on dick if they love it so much

    Niko.Ph0x November 23, 2023 3:40 pm
    Dude I don't care, I want to see female bodies RS/smut only, if an artist can't draw that without dicks (a male organ) involved then they should stick with BL or het stuff and have all the sausagefest they want... THAH!

    Then GTFO?? You literally clicked on this and read it on your own and you criticize it because it's not to YOUR tastes?? The audacity. There are tags for a reason, you shit head... Cry some more. Lmao

    THAH! November 24, 2023 9:38 am

    Illiterate Niko.Ph0x can't read, there's no omegacrap tag, event the synopsis don't mention anything about it, how the hell one's supposed to know then dickhead?

    zeuxis November 24, 2023 4:42 pm
    Illiterate Niko.Ph0x can't read, there's no omegacrap tag, event the synopsis don't mention anything about it, how the hell one's supposed to know then dickhead? THAH!

    “The superior alpha Minju fell in love with the inferior omega Hayoon.” first line of the summary. if anything you seem illiterate. also the way you talk is so grossly like a terf yikes

    Niko.Ph0x November 24, 2023 6:40 pm
    Illiterate Niko.Ph0x can't read, there's no omegacrap tag, event the synopsis don't mention anything about it, how the hell one's supposed to know then dickhead? THAH!

    ROFL I'm illiterate? You clearly can read the room. Go cry somewhere else, pissant.

    Niko.Ph0x November 24, 2023 6:41 pm
    “The superior alpha Minju fell in love with the inferior omega Hayoon.” first line of the summary. if anything you seem illiterate. also the way you talk is so grossly like a terf yikes zeuxis

    Thank you! What an asshat LMFAO And yes, they're sounding hella terf.

    THAH! November 26, 2023 9:43 am
    “The superior alpha Minju fell in love with the inferior omega Hayoon.” first line of the summary. if anything you seem illiterate. also the way you talk is so grossly like a terf yikes zeuxis

    Yeah 'omega' and 'alpha' words passed me as I looked for 'omegaverse' mention so what big deal

    Bitch women who aren't attracted to D but only to pussy exist, I don't care what an owner of a D identify themselves as, SEXual orientation is a thing and not whatever-phobic

    commonsensed January 12, 2024 8:50 pm

    oh i just know you're transphobic get out, fteak

    THAH! January 19, 2024 5:01 am
    oh i just know you're transphobic get out, fteak commonsensed

    u triggered or something? penises are male, women don't have it and actual lesbians ain't into it, if u like dicks so much choke on one and die

    zeuxis January 19, 2024 6:23 am
    u triggered or something? penises are male, women don't have it and actual lesbians ain't into it, if u like dicks so much choke on one and die THAH!

    not even worth arguing with a transphobic pos like you since its very apparent theres not a lot of brain activity happening in that empty head of yours anyways jfc. get a life