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Not sure about FL

whalien November 10, 2023 1:50 pm

I read the spoilers and honestly don’t know how I feel about FL. I get that her ex is a major sore spot for her and there is probably some trauma there. But she slaps him A LOT, which irl would be unacceptable. She needs therapy or something because the amount of anger she has when she sees him is unhealthy if she can’t help but slap him. I feel like she need to learn to just walk away.

I feel like it’s pretty obvious without the spoilers that there was a big misunderstanding that caused the ex and FL to break up. It’s also obvious that the misunderstanding had to do with cheating. Well the spoilers show the ML kissed FL the night of that drinking party, and the ex saw (before he had become an ex). I guess FL didn’t remember it because she was drunk. Makes ML questionable since I think he knew at that point she was engaged.

It’s insane that neither of them bothered to just clear up the misunderstanding.

My whole confusion is, why did FL care so much to the point of filing a missing persons report that the ML left? Part of me wonders if they’re trying to hint that she had underlying feelings for him the whole time??

    Qxeen_zxy November 16, 2023 3:34 pm

    She doesn’t need therapy for slapping him tho. I’d slap him too. She told him to never talk to her again and yet he does, over and over and he keeps insulting her. He insults her integrity without knowing anything and he insults her person and her body and he even insults her work ethic. Even without the shitty breakup, I’d slap him too. With the breakup, I’d break his jaw. How dare he keep popping up in her life to insult her. If he wants closure, don’t insult her when you see her. That’s just how it works. She tried walking away many times and he always grabs her wrist to stop her from leaving. He put his hands on her first. Legally, she can slap him in self defence. She did nothing wrong. She tried to leave, he wouldn’t let her, then he insults her and then she wants to slap him. How is that her fault? If he was concerned she was cheating, why not confront her? He never did and that’s his own problem. Not hers. It’s HIS misunderstanding and he needs to own up to it. She needs therapy for her trauma but not for her anger. If she’s only ever angry around one person who hurt her immensely and caused ptsd, do you really think she has anger issues? I have ptsd for different reasons but if I ever saw the guy who made me have ptsd, I’d probably kill him without realising it. You get thrown back into the event and your only thought is how to escape and survive. It’s not an anger issue but a ptsd and fear issue. She needs to learn how to cope and how to internally accept what happened and then she needs him to stay away from her for the rest of their lives. You cannot heal in the place that broke you. Him being there just brings up all the memories and throws her back into that situation. She even slapped her sisters hand away to the point her sister was on the floor. She wasn’t angry at her sister. She was scared from the nightmare or night terror and her body tried its best to protect her by fighting off the threat. It’s why you shouldn’t touch someone in a ptsd trigger event. They are not responsible for what their body does in order to protect itself and survive. Just like if someone swings a knife at you and you punch them, that’s self defence. If someone touches you while you’re in a trigger event, your body knows it’s vulnerable while your mind is under attack so everything it does is in self defence until your mind can discern what is a threat and what isn’t a threat.

    whalien November 16, 2023 5:05 pm
    She doesn’t need therapy for slapping him tho. I’d slap him too. She told him to never talk to her again and yet he does, over and over and he keeps insulting her. He insults her integrity without knowing a... Qxeen_zxy

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