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I am so trash for loving this trash story but it does get better, I have such a softy spot...

shizu-chan November 13, 2023 7:25 pm

I am so trash for loving this trash story but it does get better, I have such a softy spot for this novel. The first half is something I read with my morals switch OFF and the only consolation I get is the author and QP do not DOWNPLAY it and say and call it is what it is. There is nothing romantic about it and the story makes sure the readers know that. So already it is a good sign in MY BLINDED eyes. I love just how petty they both are. There is a reason enemies to lovers is the most popular trope. It NEVEr fails to grab you by the hair and drag you through the story unfailingly while snickering and giggling like a psycho at their cute af moments. Like, I CANNOT wait. The novel is so good too.

Also Yuan is a immature ill bitch, but he's my immature lil bitch. (●'◡'●)ノ he's written as that perfect combination of boyfriend and daddy that my knees shake I can't (/TДT)/ I'm pathetic but him as a grownass man was so yummy and he's so unbelievably loyal to a fault like...his character development in the future makes him being a little spoiled bitch rn nostalgic for me lmaooo I'm done
