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Lee Sangmin

Silverbullet November 14, 2023 9:59 am

At first, he was just the bully, but then they were friends. And I hoped so much that he wouldn't be a villain. When the hope was killed, I still couldn't hate him. It just felt so sad even though what happened to him was just him suffering the consequences of his actions. It feels like I'm mourning what could have been and I ugly cried at the end. The writing was amazingly good (/TДT)/

    simply absurd December 1, 2023 10:50 pm

    I just finished reading and your comment is exactly my thoughts when I read this.

    I pray hard for alternative reality when they really became best friends.

    Sutsot January 25, 2024 6:29 pm

    Ikr. Altough Lee Sangmin deserved it, he also deserved a second chance to redemped himself to atone the sins he committed. The Goddess did a right thing by giving a secomd chance, and I love absolutely love how the ending ends with Kim Jinhyum and Lee Sangmin drinking like old times especially the side stories, they're so cite mostly Lee Haemi.