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The Owen said had he surprise....and Nux said "if its alive or low value, change it"... Br...

BeepBopp November 14, 2023 1:27 pm

The Owen said had he surprise....and Nux said "if its alive or low value, change it"... Bruuuuuh

    Lucy November 14, 2023 6:04 pm

    I hope Owen won't run away and won't be too saddened by this, but you know how emotions are during pregnancy, aahhh he needs al the love, affection and support he could get...I'm so sad for him TwT

    BeepBopp November 15, 2023 2:18 am
    I hope Owen won't run away and won't be too saddened by this, but you know how emotions are during pregnancy, aahhh he needs al the love, affection and support he could get...I'm so sad for him TwT Lucy

    Yea i like that the author made him moody / anxious / sleepy (witolhout overdo8ng it). This pregnancy is really my favorite in the way it was shown

    BeepBopp November 15, 2023 2:18 am
    Yea i like that the author made him moody / anxious / sleepy (witolhout overdo8ng it). This pregnancy is really my favorite in the way it was shown BeepBopp

    In the way it was introduced**

    Lucy November 15, 2023 2:32 am
    Yea i like that the author made him moody / anxious / sleepy (witolhout overdo8ng it). This pregnancy is really my favorite in the way it was shown BeepBopp

    True, it's also very subtle, we can see his anxiety, Nux noticing some signs yet still not getting the full picture, even saying and doing stuff that would harm any pregnant person and we can see it in the art style as well, it's so well made srsly!