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I'm going to give Okino the benefit of the doubt

Kanna December 5, 2016 4:14 pm

I didn't like that Okino rejected the new guy just because he was seemingly ordinary...BUT! I don't think he's completely shallow...I think he just build up his expectations too much because he's always surrounded by beautiful people, and he was just disappointed. He's human, we make mistakes. But look, he's friends with Nemu who is pretty ordinary/geeky in the manga world...and his heart did still go "bathump" BEFORE he realized the guy was good-looking, even though he pushed him out of embarrassment. I think showing that haughty side of him is good though, because he's not pretending to be all cute in front of the new guy...and obviously, the new guy doesn't mind. You guys really think he doesn't know he's good looking? I think he's just two steps ahead of the game. Pft.

    Nekokanna December 5, 2016 4:44 pm

    "Surrounded by beautiful people." Damn right!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡