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to manage to be a top model you have to be humillated and raped, uhmmm, if it werent so cl...

annabis December 5, 2016 11:07 pm

to manage to be a top model you have to be humillated and raped, uhmmm, if it werent so close to the reality it would be even funny (cinic mode on)
mare mia qué flipadas de olla, lo que me he reído.

    guest March 10, 2017 6:47 pm

    Technically, he wasn't raped. He asked for it and didn't say no when he was offered it.

    Anonymous December 7, 2017 6:49 am
    Technically, he wasn't raped. He asked for it and didn't say no when he was offered it. @guest

    Bruh “he didn’t say no” is a very bad excuse. Only yes can give consent. Plus he only wanted to become a model not get chained inside a room with a guard dog outside to make sure you don’t go out

    Mayumi February 24, 2018 4:28 pm
    Bruh “he didn’t say no” is a very bad excuse. Only yes can give consent. Plus he only wanted to become a model not get chained inside a room with a guard dog outside to make sure you don’t go out @Anonymous


    Peach January 6, 2020 1:12 am
    Bruh “he didn’t say no” is a very bad excuse. Only yes can give consent. Plus he only wanted to become a model not get chained inside a room with a guard dog outside to make sure you don’t go out @Anonymous

    Is he handicapped to not be able to say just a simple 'no'?