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As a gen z, the term malewife is...

nice November 18, 2023 9:01 am

i agree with the top comment. I always found it weird how men who love housekeeping, cleans and cooks well are called "malewives"... why cant they stay as a husband? why must they be labelled as wives when they're men? people need to realize that they are unkwowinly coining housekeeping duties to the roles of a wife and ONLY a wife. You clean and cook? your a wife! because thats what wives do! seriously do people not realize the sexist connotation of this term?
I thought we as a society progressed torwards a less patriarchal view but it seems not. Wife is just a term for married women. It is not a title for anyone who cooks or clean. We should not be supporting these gender roles any further
