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COMMENTS + A LITTLE VENT?!?! I'm so relieved that he's peacefully l...

creampaY November 18, 2023 3:17 pm


I'm so relieved that he's peacefully living. Whatever your parents do horrible things when your a kid in the end of their life they still crawl out for you to take care of them and the worst part is they didn't recall those horrible memories they've done to you. Tbh it made me feel sense of relief that his mother died because it feels that a budren is gone in your life.

Just want to share that I really relate to this manga, but it's my dad (my mom is really a sweetest person that I've known for my whole life) anyways, i hate my father to the point i want to erase his existence to my life i always hated him but at some point, I'm like the MC of this manga where in we are still hoping that my parents still love us even though their actions says opposite. Tho i think even though i hate him to the point of my life, I'll still care for him but at the same time I will not forget how he treat us :>
