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LeatherKitten November 19, 2023 6:33 pm

Wild that the uke’s chemistry with the seme’s bestfriend feels more comfortable and healthier than the relationship we actually get. If you’re such a grumpy and detached person that your friends have to “explain” your personality to your potential partner or speak on your behalf to make you seem like a better person, that’s not good. We are told that the seme brags about uke at work, but that’s the problem- we are TOLD about it and have to take people’s word for it. It would have been more reassuring to actually see seme do that and speak fondly about uke. I hate that this is uke’s first relationship, because he deserves to be with the best and this doesn’t feel like that. This seme definitely feels like one of those first-time dating mistakes you make when you’re young and not used to romance and think your emotionally stunted, “mean-to-everyone” boyfriend is the best it can get. I want better for him, this relationship will be an emotional draining one for sure. Especially when he gets tired of being treated like a maid.
