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MC is a pretty terrible friend, and hes definitely going to date the guy his friend was in...

gros batard November 19, 2023 10:26 pm

MC is a pretty terrible friend, and hes definitely going to date the guy his friend was infatuated with … weirdo

    plinky25 November 19, 2023 11:07 pm

    The very first chapter states he doesn’t even think of the guy as his friend. Just silence when the other guy asked and mc just didn’t care to do anything. It’s hard to say anything about him being a friend when the mc never even considered it as friendship

    Sky November 20, 2023 9:44 am

    Yeah and the people defending the mc for being shitty is wild (if it was the top they'd be crapping all over him lol) Love the double standard XD I just don't understand why the MC would intentionally mislead that boy into believing they're friends. If he didn't like him he should have never given his number out or answered his calls. OR, idk, tell him that he doesn't want to ge friends. Also, it was misleading bc he states that he would answer the phone and listen to him talk AND give advice). I feel bad for the guy who just committed. If the Mc gets with his friends bf...

    Sky November 20, 2023 9:49 am
    The very first chapter states he doesn’t even think of the guy as his friend. Just silence when the other guy asked and mc just didn’t care to do anything. It’s hard to say anything about him being a frie... plinky25

    Um... the Mc says he still gives advice even if it's blunt. So yeah, he mislead the other guy. The other guy probably just thought that was the Mc's personality. The Mc should have told him straight out that he wants nothing to do with him. Instead he gave his number, answered his phone calls( even though he also ignored them), hung out with him, and even participated in conversations. Either way, the Mc choose to interact with his not-best-friend. The other guy obviously had really low self esteem if he let his friend treat him so indifferently, so its not all the Mc's fault. That's not what I was saying (just clarifying). I just don't like people saying the Mc isn't at fault at all for misleading the other guy.

    Sky November 20, 2023 9:53 am
    The very first chapter states he doesn’t even think of the guy as his friend. Just silence when the other guy asked and mc just didn’t care to do anything. It’s hard to say anything about him being a frie... plinky25

    Also, I don't hate the Mc. But he's obviously not a good person (so far) and he obviously has some mental/emptional issues. Plus, it looks like the author might pair the mc with his deceased not-best-friends bf. Which might actually make me drop this story bc that's weird lol

    gros batard November 20, 2023 9:59 am
    Yeah and the people defending the mc for being shitty is wild (if it was the top they'd be crapping all over him lol) Love the double standard XD I just don't understand why the MC would intentionally mislead t... Sky

    u put it into text perfectly.

    plinky25 November 20, 2023 11:51 am
    Um... the Mc says he still gives advice even if it's blunt. So yeah, he mislead the other guy. The other guy probably just thought that was the Mc's personality. The Mc should have told him straight out that he... Sky

    I don’t know if you were referring to me in that last sentence, but if you read my comment again I never said anything about the mc not being at fault. I just said that mc shouldn’t be considered a friend or be in such a friendship at all. The mc doesn’t even view himself being friends with him, so being called one- wouldn’t be accurate in his POV.

    plinky25 November 20, 2023 11:59 am
    Yeah and the people defending the mc for being shitty is wild (if it was the top they'd be crapping all over him lol) Love the double standard XD I just don't understand why the MC would intentionally mislead t... Sky

    As well as the fact, since we don’t know the full details of their relationship- based off of the chapters we’ve seen, I’d say they’re both not considered great “friends.” Since you guys already know how the mc is not great, I’ll talk about how the less obvious friend isn’t so great either. The friend constantly calling and texting at 2-3 am just to tell him about his crush. Maybe just sending a single text so he mc can see it later would be fine. In chapter 2 mc also states how the friend knows that the mc doesn’t like what he does with the contacting, yet he still does it.
    Honestly the only relatable part is having that one friend that always talks about boy troubles, constantly crying and asking for advice. I’ve seen plenty of friendships like that but the person who is boy-crazy never takes the friend’s advice. Leading to a tiring friendship where the friend no longer wants to talk about their boy issues or give advice since they never listen anyway. It’s more so that the boy-crazy friend sees their friend as someone to vent about their issues and not do the same back.

    Anyways I’ll give the benefit of the doubt for now. But based on the info already given to us, I don’t think the friend ever asked about what’s been going on in mc’s life, only went on about his. So maybe this friendship is equal in not being so great.

    Sky November 20, 2023 8:14 pm
    As well as the fact, since we don’t know the full details of their relationship- based off of the chapters we’ve seen, I’d say they’re both not considered great “friends.” Since you guys already kno... plinky25

    This all would have been solved if Mc set boundaries. Anyways, I think they both had issues and both were only interested in themselves. >_<

    Sky November 20, 2023 8:22 pm
    I don’t know if you were referring to me in that last sentence, but if you read my comment again I never said anything about the mc not being at fault. I just said that mc shouldn’t be considered a friend o... plinky25

    Sorry for the confusion, I brought up "fault" just to clarify that I was not pushing the toxic friendship onto the mc alone. I think they both had their problems and weren't great friends. I've just read more comments where people are pushing all the blame onto the "annoying friend" when the mc himself didn't set any boundaries with his friend. Heck he says they're not friends but he still picks up and doesn't mind talking to him so maybe the mc does desire connection but is just not mentally able. It kind of seems like the mc is just disconnected probably due to his past.