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Fudanshi December 8, 2016 1:47 am

Fake! xD I was born intersex and there is no way you can make sperm without descended balls. (You can cum though but it spills out not shoots out xD TMI?) Also, your dick couldn't be that big either if his vagina was that well developed. I'd believe it could be that big if it was more difficult for him to have vaginal sex. You can have both but they both can't work at their 100%

    Anonymous December 14, 2016 10:46 pm

    If both was fully functioning, it would seem lit.

    Anon January 7, 2017 3:19 pm

    Yup... All fantasy. On this note, it is also extremely unhealthy to have both anal and normal (vaginal) penetrative sex. Bad bacteria from one place getting into the other doesn't sound fun (a friendly reminder/PSA to any women out there). One at a time. Be safe! (=・ω・=)