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The Youngins Here

Dull_Rainbow November 24, 2023 6:18 am

Do you ever have that moment reading the comments of one of the manga/manhwa/manhua and thinking: "Oh, you are for certain not above the age of 18"? Like that moment their the energy just excudes "child" or someone who hasn't experienced a certain stage in life.

Because I sometimes pause when I see a certain comment/take for works here and think "Should you even be seeing this at this age?" or "That feels like something someone who is too young to emphasis with this situation to be this judgey". This is meant to be in the most light hearted way because I'm sure there are people who are far younger than myself who are more articulate and have a better comprehension of certain situations, especially in works of fiction.

I don't know, it kind of spiralled when I saw a comments on works with teen main characters absolutely ripping at them for not being the best at handling a situation or how they deal with their trauma and the aftermath. Like, come on these are teens they're not therapists. They're not going to always know the right thing to say or even always do the best thing for the situation. Heck, even adults don't always know we screw up all the damn time we're a fucking mess. Maybe the ones who left those comments were full grown adults and they just think these kids should know all the solutions and be perfect. Who knows.

Am I overthinking this? I probably am

    Nobody November 24, 2023 6:53 am

    I think you’re right. First of all, there’s a reason why porn is meant for 18+, unfortunately, a lot of people younger than that get their hands on it. Not that 18 year olds are a paradigm of maturity, but at least there is some kind of expectation of that from them. Anyway, I do think that sometimes (a lot of times) these kids just jump on bandwagons because is the cool thing to do, even if they have no actual opinion about the topic. Right or wrong, you should be able to defend your opinion, but most of the time if pressed, the rebuttal is a type of “because I said so.”.

    vasco#1fan November 24, 2023 7:45 am

    lowkey i’ve been on this app since 2020 and i only just recently turned 18 lol

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ November 24, 2023 10:16 am

    Can't say i m here since. I was 13 now I m in my 20s soo i can't say anything about it